Tuesday, October 9, 2012

New Prairie Is Hosting a Sectional!

Good morning all!  I have just found out that New Prairie is hosting a Sectional this year!  That means that we have another football game for Concessions!

On October 19, NP will be playing SB Clay here.  We will need workers for the concession stand once again!  Our band will not be playing at this game, so some of them will be joining us to work.  I will still need all the positions filled.  It will probably be cold again, but the concession stand is always a warm place to be.

I have put a sign-up sheet on our Google Docs page.  You can follow the link on the side, or the one here: Sectional Concession Stand Workers.

The time listed is tentative as I do not yet have a confirmation of 6:30pm kick-off.  If the time changes, you will be notified.

Thanks for all your help this year!

Kate Leiter

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A PACKED October Is Here!

Well, hello again!  It is hard to believe that it is already October!  We have a very busy month here at Music Boosters and for the students at NPHS.

We have several events coming up this month!

LAST HOME GAME - This Friday night!  We are still in need of a few people to help in the concession stand. Check out our link to the "Concession Stand Worker Signup" page to see if you are already scheduled. If you are willing to stay the end of the game (or a bit after) to help us close and clean the concession stand, please let me or Kathy Jack know.

BAND COMPETITION - This Saturday, Oct. 6th - NP Marching Cougars will be competing in ISSMA's Festival Class at Jackson Middle School in South Bend.  Let's cheer on our band!

FALL SAMPLER - Oct. 24.  This year we are featuring all the performing arts departments.   Marching Band, Choirs and 8th grade band will perform as usual, but the drama department will also be previewing a few scenes from the fall musical, Footloose.

Tickets for all music department events will be $5 for adults and $4 for students.  Preschool children attending with their families are free.

HAUNT! - Fischer Farms is letting NPHS Performing Arts departments hold a haunted corn maze this year.  The Haunt will be on Oct. 26 and 27.  (The corn maze will be open at other times too. Contact Scott and Becky Fischer for more information.)

So, how is that for a packed October?

Next Music Boosters meeting will be held on Nov. 5th at 7pm.  Please come in the doors by the cafeteria on the NORTH side of the school (not the pool doors).

Mr. Strasser has let me know that the Choir website is now live. You can find the link on the side bar of this page.

To top off today's post, I'd like to include IU's video from Band Day when the Marching Band traveled to Bloomington last month.

New Prairie is located on the lower left corner, between the 25 and 30 yard lines.

Remember, if you have any questions or want to help out, you can comment here or email me.

Until next time.

Kate Leiter